After teaching tennis for over 50 years, I have come to this conclusion - "It's not just about winning or losing!" As a young Pro I thought my job was to produce excellent ranked tennis players of all ages. However, just like the NFL an NBA, only a tiny percent of players can make it to this level.
The first thing I try to do with a student is to teach them everything I know. I have worked hard to change my teaching ways and adjust to the "modern" game. Next, I try to instill a love of the game and show them how they can incorporate tennis into their lives. Of course, everyone would rather win than lose, but that is still not the important thing. Tennis is great for your mental, physical and social health. I try to instill self-confidence and outlet for the stress of our "New World" (after Covid).
What I enjoy the most is my ex-students contacting me years later to tell me that they are so glad they put the time and effort in learning to play tennis and that they picked up their racket and started to play again on a regular basis. Remember, it's not just about "winning or losing."
P.S. (I cannot count the number of my ex-students dropping by my courts and touching base with me! Some are bringing their kids to start tennis lessons. What a joy that is!)
Good luck on the courts!