East Shore Park Tennis Courts Dedication New Haven, Connecticut - August 16, 2006 Photos by Ron Waite
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These photographs chronicle the dedication of the refurbished East Shore Park Tennis Courts, which are part of the US Open Legacy Program. This initiative is gives back to communities which host US Open Series events by refurbishing local tennis courts in the host community. East Shore Park is part of the City of New Haven which hosts the Pilot Pen... a US Open Series event. This year (2006), the USTA has refurbished courts in LA, Cincinnati and New Haven. This is an on-going program which will refurbish more courts in New Haven in years to come.
Elena Dementieva was at the dedication with Anne Worcester, tournament director for the Pilot Pen. After the ceremony, Elena Dementieva hit with some New Haven Parks and Recreation kids after which there was an opportunity for media to interview her about her upcoming participation in the Pilot Pen.
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