2007 International Tennis Hall Of Fame Induction Celebration Newport, Rhode Island - July 14, 2007 Photos by Marc Sanderson
All Tennis Server photography is copyrighted by the photographer and/or the Tennis Server, and all rights are reserved. You may not copy these images without permission. While you are welcome to create hyperlinks to Tennis Server web pages, you may not embed these images into other web pages or blogs without permission. To request permission, please use this contact form. Please be sure to clearly indicate exactly which photograph(s) you are requesting permission to use, as terms and conditions will vary depending on the photographer and the photograph.
These photos cover the 2007 International Tennis Hall Of Fame Induction Celebration that took place July 2007. See also our Wild Cards article on TennisServer.com by Vince Barr covering that event.

Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario:

Pete Sampras:

Sven Davidson:

Russ Adams:

Pete Sampras - Bridgette Wilson-Sampras:

Bud Collins - Russ Adams:

Pete Sampras and Parents:

Todd Martin:

Rod Laver:

Rod Laver - Pete Sampras:

Stan Smith:

Brian Gottfried:

Pete Sampras' US Open Trophies (Photo by Vince Barr):

Pete Sampras' Wimbledon Trophies (Photo by Vince Barr):

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All Tennis Server photography is copyrighted by the photographer and/or the Tennis Server, and all rights are reserved. You may not copy these images without permission. While you are welcome to create hyperlinks to Tennis Server web pages, you may not embed these images into other web pages or blogs without permission. To request permission, please use this contact form. Please be sure to clearly indicate exactly which photograph(s) you are requesting permission to use, as terms and conditions will vary depending on the photographer and the photograph.