Problem: You are playing a match and you are spraying most of your shots out.
- Make sure you are actually watching the ball with your focused vision, not your peripheral vision. Many players think they are watching the ball, but when asked if they see the spinning or rotation of the ball, they answer "No." Listen for the sound of your opponent's hit to start preparing for the ball. Do not wait until the ball is bouncing on your side of the net.
- Shorten your backswing. Many players think they need to have a large backswing to be able to generate pace. Quite the contrary. Most of your pace is created by meeting the ball out in front of your body (early point of contact). Plus, with a shorter backswing you always have an option to block or punch the harder shots back.
- When returning a very hard shot, just block it back. When returning an average to slow shot, maintain the shortened backswing, but accelerate the racket head through to the finish of the stroke.
- Work on getting your body in better position. Get in position earlier so you are set and in better balance to hit the ball.