Of course, the general fitness received from playing is excellent (most players play at least twice a week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours per outing).
It's fun! It's Competitive! It's Social!
It can be played by yourself (with a backboard or ball machine) or with 2 players (singles) or 4 players (doubles).
Relatively inexpensive to play
- Starter racquet - under $100
- Balls - $2-3 per can
- Courts - Public (no fee), Private (moderately priced)
- Clothing - shorts / t-shirts
- Tennis Shoes - $50.00
Compare these expenses to golf, etc. Also, compare this to the impracticality of playing team sports (basketball, baseball, volleyball, etc) as you get older.
You can meet new friends with many common interests.
Availability of many inexpensive tennis clubs that allow you to play plenty of tennnis plus share in many other social events.
It's flighted with many levels of competition to choose from (entry level to championship level).
You can travel if you wish or play locally.
Tennis promotes a healthy lifestyle. You must maintain a general level of fitness in order to play.
It can be played as you travel away from home.
Tenins can be played for a lifetime!
Why Adults Do Not Play Tennis
- Have not tried it.
- They believe it is too difficult to learn.
- Have not taken a series of beginner lessons.
- Too sedentary.
- Anti-social.
Why Kids Do Not Play Tennis
- Have not been introduced to it.
- Their parents do not take a pro-active stand (lessons, traavel time to tournaments, etc.)
- Parents fail to see the benefit of a life long sport for their children.
- Failure by the parents to see the discipline the sport of tennis can give the child. Ask your jr. high or high school tennis coach how the grade point average of the tennis team compares to that of the general population.