Racquet Demo Program
- Demo racquets are only available for local use and cannot be shipped.
- Racquets should be returned within 48 hours of the date they are checked out.
- No more than 2 racquets may be checked out at one time.
- There is no charge for use of the racquet to members of the Windemere Racquet and Swim Club.
- Non-members of the Windemere Racquet and Swim Club are charged $2.00 per day, per racquet, which will apply towards the purchase of the racquet. Non-members should also leave a deposit (Visa/Mastercard) on the racquet they are play testing.
- All demo racquets are re-strung regularly to insure optimum playability.
- Racquets may be checked out at The Racquet Workshop by filling out a demo loan/rental card.
This page was last modified on August 14, 1994.
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