Do you step into the court when you serve? This is a question
that comes up often in lessons. Is a player supposed to step
into the court after he/she makes contact with the ball?
Thinking about what you are doing with your feet while you are
hitting the shot can really mess up the serve itself. However,
my opinion is that you should step into the court when serving.
So how do you step into the court without thinking about it?
If you throw your toss out in front of you and reach for it,
you should automatically fall into the court. So rather than
thinking about your toss, swing, and step, if you get your toss
in the right spot it will take care of the other issues. You
really don't have to think about stepping in at all. By getting
your toss into the court and falling forward you will increase
your weight transfer forward. This, combined with an increased
swing speed, can help add power to your serve. Keeping your
foot behind the baseline restricts your hip rotation and keeps
you from gaining that extra power.
Just try to get the toss in the right spot in front of you and
then go after it. Being relaxed is one of the keys to having
a good serve and it allows for fluid movement of the arms and
trunk. So if to step or not to step is your question, then
my answer is yes -- but let it come naturally from a good ball