guidelines for posting on this list
There have been a number of posts submitted to the list over the past
week that I have not approved. Here are some of the reasons why:
1. The post did not have a decent subject line. I won't post a
message with something like "Subject: Re: tennisbiz digest: April 19,
2000". When replying to a digest, please change the subject line to
reflect the subject of the message you are replying to.
2. The post was a blatant sales pitch. If you want to get a
commercial message out to the list, please do the right thing and
sponsor the list so that Tenagra can recover some of the costs of
operating the Tennis Server and this mailing list.
3. The person submitting the post included the entire copy of the
digest in their response. Please only repeat what is necessary for
4. The English of the post was so poor I couldn't easily edit it
into coherency.
5. The post was a reply to a previous post that was only of value to
the person that was being replied to. In such a case, please just
send your message to the person directly, rather than to the entire
list. I won't approve a post that only has value to one person out
of 450.
Thanks everyone!
--Cliff Kurtzman
Received on Wed Apr 26 2000 - 08:33:09 CDT