I have a banner ad up on the www.tennisserver.com site. As far as I am
concerned it is doing a great job, a lot of people are visiting my site. I
think it arouses peoples curiosity. Unfortunately I am not getting many
orders. I know my product the "Wonder Wedge" has some obstacles: 1) The
concept is outside the box. (challenges the shape of the racquet handle) 2)
Most people are turned off when they see they have to attach it. They are
afraid they will not be able to get it on their racquet right. 3) Most
people are afraid of change. They do not want to be the first to try it. 4)
Really are not that interested in improving their game if it looks like it
might involve some work or effort. (Quick fix - Buy a longer racquet)
What concerns me is that maybe there is an obvious error that is a major
turnoff that I just do not see because I have been so close to it for so
long. What I would greatly appreciate is if anyone can find the time to
visit my site and let me know if they see a major problem or turnoff. I am
open to any suggestions.
This is the third time I have changed the home page. I thought I would try a
more personal approach and tell my story about how I came up with the idea. I
know people do not like to read a lot of text. I tried to keep it as short
as I could. I also moved the testimonials up to the first link and asked
people to go there first. I always thought this would be a big selling point
but my web statistics on the previous home pages showed only a few linking to
the testimonials.
<A HREF="http://www.tennisgeometrics.com/tennisx.htm">http://www.tennisgeometrics.com/tennisx.htm</A>
If you would like to view the previous home page/site to see the changes, it
<A HREF="http://www.tennisgeometrics.com/tennisx.html">http://www.tennisgeometrics.com/tennisx.html</A>
You could go to the http://tennisserver.com and link to the site from the banner ad.
Appreciate any help I can get.
Edward S. Fagen
President - Tennis Geometrics Co.
Received on Thu May 25 2000 - 08:27:21 CDT