[tennisbiz] Job description
> Dear All,
> I'm in the process of writing up a job description for the position of
> Pro Shop Assistant. Having never compiled a job description, I am not
> sure what to include, what to omit, what format it should take and
> would therefore be really grateful if anybody has a sample they could
> send in.
Feel free to go to briefcase.yahoo.com/csawtt and download the
pro evaluation document under the folder called Tennis Programs. I
designed it for our tennis program, but it is in Word format and can
be changed and adapted to your program.
bob rosenblum
Director of Tennis
Schenectady Racquet & Fitness
Capital District Tennnis Links:
phone: 356-0100 ext 16
Received on Mon Apr 16 2001 - 08:58:39 CDT