[tennisbiz] Tennis for 5-8 yrs
Dear Tal,
Excellent idea to start children between 5-8.Thats when they enjoy.
I feel group play will make it more enjoyable. They will learn better
with the group. They tend to see the other how she/he does & will try to
emulate them rather than what you teach sometimes.
I have a group of four.Any number can be dealt with. There are
programmes for diff. groups. I take them on for an hour,thrice a week.
(more than that will be tiring, boring & less fun) make them fell that
they should attend the next class, by inventing many fun games."ITF
School Tennis Intiative" is a useful book.
Have fun.
Atul Gurjar. India
Received on Thu Aug 09 2001 - 21:16:26 CDT