[tennisbiz] Re: Lesson Prices
I have two suggestions which you may already have considered:
1. When you increase prices (if you have any regular customers in addition
to your resort guests), be sure to add something at the same time. Hand-outs
are easy and inexpensive. Just reprint a dozen or so articles on various
topics and ad "Courtesy of Phil Azar" at the top. You can email me directly
if you want to inquire about an on-going source for these.
2. Over the years I have found a "Drop-in Drill" concept very helpful as
well. Set it up in the middle of your prime time to get a decent turn-out,
and you will gain at least two thing: 1) You can service more people that
way. 2) You will probably earn more income at the same time.
Best regards,
Joe Dinoffer, President
Oncourt Offcourt, Inc.
5427 Philip Ave. Dallas, TX 75223
Tel: 214-823-3078 Fax: 214-823-3082
Email: joe_at_oncourtoffcourt.com
Website: www.oncourtoffcoourt.com
Received on Mon Sep 17 2001 - 08:47:03 CDT