[tennisbiz] Re: Swinging Volley
To end the controversy on the swinging volley here is an excerpt from my book
"The USA Tennis Course" (Copyright 1986) on Volley Tactics in which I talk
about the High Swinging Volley.
If you are in a good position for a slow, high ball and you feel like running
through it and taking a big swing to knock the ball away, go ahead and do it!
Nothing you do is wrong if you make the shot.What difference does the size of
the swing make if you win the point? Everyone likes to try to make a
spectacular shot from time to time. However, don't be foolish and get carried
away just because you've occasionally made a great shot.You won't become a
good volleyer if you snap your wrist or take a big swing on every volley.
Problem Too big a backswing
Don't use too big a backswing to prepare your volley stroke. When the ball
comes quickly there isn't time to make a big backswing.
If you are in a perfect position and the ball is coming slowly enough for
you to judge easily, a big swing is OK. On most shots, however, You won't
read and react to the ball quickly enough to get away with it. The timing is
too critical.
SOLUTION Take a short backswing, aim, and hit through the ball. Your volley
will start to improve immediately.
(Note- I have taught the high swinging volley to my pupils since I began to
teach in 1971. I spoke about it to at the USPTA National Convention and Van
De Meer's International Symposium during my seminars and it is taught at
colleges that use my book but the stroke didn't become popular until Agassi
began to use it.)
Victor Tantalo
Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 15:51:41 CST