[tennisbiz] Wild,wild cards
Wild,wild cards.
In reply to Phil Azar regarding wild cards it is the purpose of wild
cards to help develop local talent by giving experience to players who
would not otherwise get in by ranking.As we know in the industry, this
experience particularly in a slam to a young player is
invaluable.Unfortunately in Britain it is our job to try to developed
British players,if this serves up a one sided match so be it.By the way
some wild cards go to notable players who for one reason or another
cannot get into the draw,for example last year a player called Goran
from Croatia got a wild card and if memory serves me right he did quite
What I do find bad practice is tournaments at satellite and future level
selling wilds cards,if you see a tournament in say Portugal and a
foreign player with a wild card you can guess that a financial bonus has
gone the tournament directors way(The country mentioned is only a
example).This practice should be stopped.
Received on Fri May 17 2002 - 07:41:50 CDT