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[tennisbiz] How I Chart Tennis Matches ...
Hello Everyone,
As a tennis writer charting matches, I try to use very concise
f = forehand
b = backhand
s = serve
v = volley
o = overhead
l = lob
ps = passing shot
hv = half volley
dv = drop volley
ds = drop shot
ue = unforced
fe = forced
a = ace
df = double fault
sw = service winner
ros = return of serve
cc = crosscourt (optional)
I use a large legal pad and divide it into left and right halves. I put
the serving player's initials on the top left or top right of his half of the
line in which I record all results for that game. After the score, I
describe succintly how the point was won or lost to get that score.
So it looks something like this:
PS -- 15-0 a (1), 15-15 feb, 30-15 fefps, 30-30 ueb,
40-30 uef, 40-40 df, 40-30 fw, holds vw 1-0
I put each player's game total in the middle on his half of the page
when each game ends. I draw a horizontal line at the end of each set and
circle the final set score. I try to leave enough space throughout for
occasional notes about strategy, changes in form, controversies, injuries,
crowd support, various strokes, etc. Sometimes I will include cumulative
totals, if relevant, at the end of each set, such as "PS 14 winners."
Coaches charting matches for their students would undoubtedly include
more notes about strokes and strategy and devote much more attention (viz.,
notes) to their student than his opponent.
I put the playing surface, temperature, date, head-to-head record of
players, name of tournament, ranking, players' ages, and other relevant
information at the very top of the chart.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes,
Paul Fein,
author of "Tennis Confidential: Today's Greatest Players, Matches and
Received on Mon Sep 16 2002 - 11:35:57 CDT
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