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[tennisbiz] Mental Pre-Match Preparation
There is only one Mental Pre-Match Preparation that works..awareness.
Not one minute, 10 minutes or 1 hour before the game, but all day,....... as
a way of living life.
The athlete or professional can choose to live in awareness doing what they
know to be right, each and every moment of their day, always objective to the
distractions of the mental, Simply being aware of what they are doing now.
Everyone knows what is right for them to do in this moment, and they have the
choice to do it, or to be lost in a mental or emotional distraction. All
power comes from doing what you know is right, staying in this awareness; Not
choosing to be lost in "Thought."
Then when you step on the court or field or into the arena, you carry with
you a character that is charged and strong, not from weights, but from mental
toughness in your whole life.
And when "Thoughts" try and sway you from this focus before or after the
match, you do what you do in all your life, ...notice the "Thoughts" and
bring your attention back to what you are doing.
The "Thoughts" try and distract a player in many ways. but it all comes down
to a distraction. If a player buys into the "Thoughts" which try and distract
them, not only are they not aware of what is going on, they are weighed down
by subsequent false beliefs and feelings.
Case in point is the player who is up 5-1 in the second set. He chooses to be
distracted by the lie "Thought" that he "has it won." Once this is believed
he loses his awareness and power as he is believing a lie. It is not over and
does not have it won, to believe otherwise is to believe a lie. Carrying
this lie is an invisible weight that ruins games and lives.
The aware player hears that thought, knows it is a lie and goes back to the
game at hand. So if they play and either win, or if the player does come
back, they are not in a state of shock, nor do they feel the up and down of
the experience.
With the score tied 5-5, the player is now getting lie "Thoughts" telling him
so called good advice...... he notices these "Thoughts" without believing
them and brings his attention back to the match.
Then when he is down 5-6 "Thoughts" come telling him he has "lost the set,"
he sees the "Thoughts" and lets them pass unbelieved.
Point is he is not being tossed around mentally or emotionally by the mental
dialogue in the head. He is just aware playing. One cannot stop the dialogue
in one's mind, but they can choose to let it pass UN believed...going back to
being aware of what they are doing now.
But a person who day dreams and is lost in the "Thoughts" during the day
believing the "Self talk," cannot before game time just turn it off.
Either you live in awareness and are not a puppet to the "Thoughts"
"Emotions," and "Feelings," or you are a puppet.
The choice is each players, and what a person like your self can do is make
the choice in your own life, regardless what your practice is.
Then when you speak it is clear and from a knowing instead of an intellectual
Ryan Wolfington
Living it
Received on Wed Oct 02 2002 - 22:45:34 CDT
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