[tennisbiz] Searching for program
I am looking for a paper based program from the middle 90's. It was
called Serve, Stroke, and Volley. It was based on the premise of having
a person hit a specific number of shots and grading on accuracy and then
power. You would hit for example 4 forehands crosscourt and four down
the line from the deuce court and the same on the ad side. Then you
would backhands with the same criteria. A person recorded each point
value and then these scores were added up for a composite score. If
anyone ones of this program, reply back to me or repost to the forum. I
am looking for some of the scoresheets and the instructions. I was
wanting to use this to chart the progress of some of my younger
beginners and give them something on paper that they could work on by
themselves away from school
Randy Stewart
Bryan High School
Bryan, TX
Received on Wed Oct 16 2002 - 22:42:41 CDT