<x-charset iso-8859-1>Can someone give me advice on purchasing windscreens for tennis courts (for
Wisconsin, taken down in the winter but will be subject to reasonable amount
of weather abuse during the season, in a rather windy spot).
Advice on best type to purchase (good quality but not crazy expensive), and
best competitive reliable vendors?
It is for a set of High School courts. Also appreciate advice on how to
manage visibility for spectators.
This is for 2 sets of 4 courts (8 courts total). Each set of 4 courts is
enclosed by fencing and there is a spectating "lane" about 20 feet wide
separating the 2 sets of courts (outside the fenced area - with some minimal
bleacher seating in this area).
Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 08:26:43 CDT