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[tennisbiz] Coaching High School Tennis - Attitudes/Approach
This year a coach at one of the local high school teams asked me to hit with
some of her players. (She coached both the boys and girls teams) I was
honored she asked and was happy to do. In my conversations with her she
mentioned how the kids may or may not show up at practice, how they would
not take any direction and their attitude in general. I also observed some
of the practices of another team and did not see a whole lot of effort.
I got into a discussion with the local pro and a friend who helps with one
of the local high school tennis teams. I said I would have had the kids
running up hills, weight training, doing drills, (I was amazed at the lack
of overall
athleticism in general, sorry) no missing practice, would not put up with
disrespect of me or any of the other team players, demand they compete as
best they could, and be good sports. I was amazed at what they said. The
players would quit, they are just kids, you can't be hard on them, they have
to have fun, you can't treat them like the other sports football, baseball,
basketball, their mom and dads would get mad, you wouldn't have any tennis
program and lose your job. As Mac would say, You can,t be serious. I think
to be on the tennis team should be a great privilege and an honor. I think
these kids crave direction and discipline. I think fun is working hard,
getting better, trying your best and being part of a team
I have never coached a bunch of kids and as you can see I probably would not
last long. So guys, please tell me this is not the norm. Do we have to
treat the high school tennis players differently then other sports? Maybe I
should not have taken to heart the best book I have ever read on tennis,
Coaching Tennis by Chuck Kriese. I had not intended to plug the book but I
think anyone coaching on any level, any team sport, it should be required
Best regards,
Edward Fagen
Tennis Geometrics Company
Phone: 423-336-3953
Web Site: http://www.tennisgeometrics.com
Received on Mon May 19 2003 - 09:44:09 CDT
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