[tennisbiz] Re: Question about the TennisConnect service - is it any good?
I manage the TennisConnect.org service for the Tennis Industry
Association. I have a few comments regarding this post.
Using the services of a professional designer, and using
TennisConnect does not have to be an either / or decision.
Any facility or program manager willing to spend the money
can have both. You end up with a powerful web site and an
aesthetic look and feel unique to your business. We support
ALL html tags, CSS, Flash, etc - allowing you an extrordinary
level of control over the look and feel of the site. (BTW: we
do not serve any ad's either - that is completely under the
control of the site manager)
We welcome any and all qualified designers to work with us,
and we can serve as a referral source for member facilities
seeking design assistance.
Thank you for your time, passion, and concern for the
marketing of tennis.
Charlie Ruddy
General Manager
Received on Mon Apr 11 2005 - 09:48:40 CDT