Re: Suggestions for a single court facility
Dear Marc,
I had similar problems when captaining a club with only one court and
with approximately 30 enthusiatic players of various standards. We used
to hold social tournaments and nearly all members wished to take part.
After much trial and error we hit on a format which enabled everyone to
take part and enjoy the game without excessive waiting. Basically
partners are drawn out of a hat, each match comprises 4 games only and
after two games partners change. Points are scored for each game won
and everyone played with or against everyone else. Each match lasted
10-12 minutes and everyone played the same number of games. Winner is
the one who wins the most games and scores the most points.
They tournaments were so successful that I was asked to produce a manual
to enable anyone to organise these events after I left. Main features
of the manual which is entitled 'Revoutionise Your Social Tennis
Tournaments' are as follows:
a.. Tournaments can be arranged in minutes.
b.. Notices, Rules, Score Sheets are included for photocopying
c.. Orders of Play (for up to 24 players), Lengths of Time, Checklist
are included
d.. Unique format makes it suitable for players of differing abilities
Full details can be found on
These events are excellent social occasions as everyone can take part
irrespective of their ability and are great as an 'ice breaker' to
introduce new members.
The manual has been on sale for several years and is used by dozens of
clubs. It can be ordered on line at and cost is =A317.99 or
equivalent US$ including post and packing.
Good luck with your new venture.
Kind regards
Ralph Wylam
Managing Director
Malyn Promotions incorporating
35 Silverdale, Keymer, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 8RD, UK
Tel: + 44 (0) 1273 845258
Received on Sat Nov 25 2006 - 14:14:35 CST