>I intend to construct a tennis court in as cost effective manner as I can
at my residential property. (DIY Approach) Can anybody help me with
specifications especially the minimum thickness, material and compaction
tolerance of the base course and surface course. Any specific
considerations in considering the colour of the surface as well as
alternatives in terms of type of material<
Get ready for a PROJECT!! It is not on a level with building a 50 story
building, but it has its moments. I am consulting with a few people on DIY
construction as well as court repair and resurfacing. I've built a buncha
courts over the years in the South East US. This is great for the basics
but every area of the world has its substantial peculiarities and obstacles
that only you or a local professional can answer. Building a court on
extremely sandy soil requires a different approach than building on clay,
All hurdles can be overcome if you are dedicated and have the patience and
time to see it through. I don't think this forum is the place for all the
detail involved in a project this size, so feel free to write me at or call 770-967-0940 if you wish to talk live.
John Carey
Received on Tue Aug 01 2000 - 09:29:43 CDT