Hi John,
Thanks for the inquiry and good wishes. I received all kinds of advice since
I asked for help. The number 1 was get credit card processing. Jeff Wenger
of www.sportsladders.com practically rewrote my page for me and he had other
great suggestions. A teaching pro also gave me some great advice of how I
was shooting myself in the foot by stressing the Western and Semi-Western so
I placed more emphasis on the Continental and Eastern forehand. Cliff from
the tennisserver.com suggested I change the color, which I did. Channing
Brown from www.greencourtsoftware helped me with the credit card processing.
As a result the site is doing much better. I was truly amazed and
appreciative that so many people took the time to look at my site and offer
their help. That was the smartest thing I ever did was ask for help from the
Tennisbiz forum.
One thing I have been disappointed about is the mail orders are running equal
to or slightly greater then the credit card orders. I really expected the
credit card orders to be 5 to 10 times higher then the mail orders. It kind
of made me wonder if the necessity for credit card processing is a lot of
hype. Whatever the site is doing much better overall.
Edward S. Fagen
President-Tennis Geometrics Co.
Received on Tue Aug 01 2000 - 12:09:57 CDT