Place to refer people seeking tennis equipment/sponsorship
Great post. As webmaster for the World Wide Tennis Ladder web site, I also
receive a number of similar emails. I will be curious to see what types of
responses you get.
One method that I have found to be relatively successful is to post a
classified in a tennis-related classifieds section. This relies on the
generosity of players but leverages the power of numbers on the Internet to
possibly get a response. I have found that players are very willing to send
old equipment, less willing to send cash. To see an example, you can visit
the following page:
Also, if somebody writes claiming to be good enough to earn a scholarship
but just needs contacts, the BITAR Academy has a great, tennis scholarship
finding service. You can learn more by clicking on the "College" section on
their web page:
--Jeff Wenger
World Wide Tennis Ladder
Received on Tue Oct 17 2000 - 07:06:33 CDT