International Exchange program
I am a USPTR coach running an academy in Bangalore, India. Alongwith two
junior coaches, we coach 50 students on 4 courts.
Reading Rudi Sonnekus's(South Africa)recent message about international
exposure and the possibilty about a short term assign ment, I have the
following suggestion.
Most of the latest data on research, training, facilities etc,is found in
the US and for coaches in many other countries it is often difficult to
keep up with new techniques/coaching styles.As we know, videos, books and
magazines help but there's nothing that can fully replace an interactive
session on the court.
While organisations such as the USPTR offer training programs once/twice a
year it is not always possible to attend these.
Perhaps, using the "tennisserver" forum we can bring together a group of
coaches who are prepared to travel and conduct clinics. Ideally this should
be on an exchange basis. In effect, Coach A goes to Coach B's country and a
little later the deal is reciprocated.Obviously, financial agreements will
need to be sorted out mutually.
I wonder if you think this suggestion has merit. If yes, please distribute it.
KINESIS Tennis Academy
Intrad Consult (P) Ltd
#3007, HAL II Stage
Bangalore 560008 INDIA
Tel: (91)80-5282059/5297083 Fax: (91)80-5283952
Received on Sat Oct 21 2000 - 06:44:12 CDT