[tennisbiz] Teaching students
I am a teaching pro, but my full time job is teaching in a high school
where I am the tennis coach. Tennis season begins some time after Jan.1
and ends in the end of April. I am paid 6% of my school salary to coach
the team. Of course, I understand that I am paid by the school to lead
and direct the team through the season and to teach the fundamentals of
the game. The coaches of the other sports work with their players in the
off season at the school and receive no pay for it. However, they are
not members of a professional teaching organization. Is there anyone out
there who has some thoughts on the ethical questions that arise when a
coach teaches his team members for pay? If a student wants 30 minutes of
my undivided time and I entitled to pay for that?
Mike Rush
Received on Tue May 15 2001 - 21:28:37 CDT