[tennisbiz] clubs and cta's
Regarding Jon Fischer's comments about CTA's and private clubs,
I agree that you don't necessarily want existing programs
But my point in my earlier post was that it seemed that some of
the people who were involved with FUNDING the CTA specified that
as a member of a tennis club that I shouldn't be an officer, and that
the pros in my club would not be allowed to run CTA programs if
they were involved at all with the CTA.
Now, I understand that position in an ideal world. If anyone has
looked around they might note that we don't live in an ideal world.
There happens to be a lot of people who love tennis who are
therefore drawn into the tennis business. For many of it, it has
nothing to do with the money because there is a lot of better ways
to make a lot more money.
I feel that I am lucky that my pros want to be part of the community
and share their knowledge and guidance. However, I have had to
ask them to withdraw from the organization so that they would be
eligible to conduct whatever clinics the CTA decides to create.
I know that when it comes to putting in a lot of extra time making
the phone calls and running around setting up tennis programs for
the town, it is not the volunteers that are going to have the time and
energy to do that.
In addition, if you have someone in a decision making position at a
tennis club involved in your CTA, you will find that person can be of
enormous help in fulfilling their mission.
Bob Rosenblum
Director of Tennis
Schenectady Racquet & Fitness
Junior Tennis Training Center
518-356-0100 ext 16 / fax 518-356-4797
Received on Tue May 22 2001 - 23:09:32 CDT