[tennisbiz] Work Opportunities
<x-flowed>My name is Eric Wall,
I am a level 2 NZPTCA Pro Tennis Coach (recognised USPTCA Level 2),with 6
years experience in beginner to elite level New Zealand juniors. I also
hold a B.B.S. degree in Sports Management and Coaching, and currently
studying a Dip Body Thearpies & Sports Massage. I am wishing to travel
overseas in April-May of 2002 to gain experience in elite junior/senior
development, training and programs. My interest would lie in academies or
National Training Institutes involving tennis development and sports massage
for tennis players senior or junior level. If any one out there in the
tennis world can point me in the right direction to look for job
opportunities related to my expertise, I would appreciate knowing where to look.
Looking for an opportunity,
Eric Wall
"Focus on Performance"
Received on Fri Jun 29 2001 - 14:17:27 CDT