The Tennis Business Discussion Forum Archive
[tennisbiz] Re: Business Plan
<x-charset iso-8859-1>Dear Misha,
The United States Professional Tennis Association is offering a
Developmental Coaches Category as part of their membership levels.
You might contact the President or Executive Director of the USPTA Division
in which you live. There are 17 divisions in the United States and also an
International Division. This broad network of certified tennis
professionals offers conventions, workshops and seminars in all aspects of
the tennis industry. Also from this network you will be able to contact
various pro's on many subjects that they would be glad to share information
with you. If you need help in contacting a person regarding the USPTA, you
can reach R.J. Tessier at the USPTA World Headquarters.
R.J. Tessier
Director of Certification
United States Professional Tennis Association, Inc.
3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite One
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 978-7782 (800) 877-8248
(713) 978-7780 fax
I don't know of any manual that actually spells out the expenses one would
incur as a tennis teacher, but I have listed some below that might be
Liability Insurance - USPTA offers 9 million on-court liability as part of
membership package
Court Time Cost if applicable
Tennis Balls (New, Practice, Used)
Ball Hoppers orTenni-Tubes
Ball Cart
Clothing - Shoes, Shorts, Skirt, Warm-up, Socks, Cap, Hat, Visor
Wrist Watch (for sure)
Teaching Aids - Cone Targets, Foam Balls, Stars Balls, Air Targets, Chalk
Talk Board, Etc.
Educational Materials such as books, magazines, manuals, etc. for self
Attending conventions, seminars and workshops
Rewards and Awards for students (Ribbons, prizes, candy, Excel Sport Drinks,
toys, Certificates, etc.)
I know there are more expenses according to how much you want to get into
using teaching aids and advanced software in the future such as video
lessons that would employ some basic software such as Dartfish.
Good luck with your endeavors.
Ron Woods, uspta
Received on Wed Oct 01 2003 - 12:09:03 CDT
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