[tennisbiz2] Re: Serving Problem
Dear Larry:
The most common injury on the serve has to do with a
stiff wrist... Tell your student to hold a tennis ball
like he's going to throw it.. Usually when you throw a
ball you only grab it with 3 fingers, the index, the
middle finger and the thumb, leaving out the pinky and
the ring finger... Grabbing the ball this way will
give you a more flexible wrist. Now translate that
into a continental grip for the serve, and the loose
wrist will prevent injury letting the impact go into
the forearm and bicep muscles, and not into the
shoulder joints....
Miguel A. Hern ndez
Tennis Directo The Ritz Carlton San Juan Hotel, Spa
and Casino
Received on Mon Aug 21 2006 - 22:56:39 CDT